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  1. C

    Best op shops for children’s clothes?

    @margareth14830 I always buy the next size up, oversized hoodies or tees with leggings was basically my kids uniform until recently (they are 11 now). Now it's oversized tops with jeans haha.
  2. C

    Best op shops for children’s clothes?

    @margareth14830 unfortunately I've found very few decent opshops for clothing - most have prices similar to buying new for things that are from kmart etc. We tend to do a few basics (leggings last well due to stretch - those I buy basics from kmart etc and they've lasted multiple children)...
  3. C

    Drop your cheap shopping joints!

    @ubutyf We like cracker jack for shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, dishwasher stuff, laundry stuff. Also we buy a 5litre of simple green from bunnings and it lasts us a good year for all the spray cleaning (benches, bathroom, surfaces etc).