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  1. E

    Inheritance-What's the best way to invest

    @amisraelhai Cool, having the propertied paid off can be advantageous if the market tanks, rentals suffer etc. so it's also a question of how much risk you want to take. But with rates likely to come down it's probably alright to be a bit over leveraged.
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    Inheritance-What's the best way to invest

    @amisraelhai Put money into RA = Tax efficient but not liquid Put money into Bonds = Tax inefficient but more liquid Generally I advise people to pay off homeloans agressively, however in the case of investment properties remember: Your rental income is taxed as income. You guys are in a...
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    Two retirement fund options

    @ledoman Article on the pension backed homeloan. Could also be quite useful.(option 2). Some insurers sell steuctured products like RAs and endowments with onerous terms. These...
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    Two retirement fund options

    @ledoman Both options are effectively fine, it comes down to a few things: Option 1: Risk cover included lump sum death and disability. Option 2: Risk cover includes Income Protection Option 2 is generally better, especially if you have a long career ahead of you as the Income Protection...
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    Building financial literacy

    @farmergal looks like a very good plan. If you can I would recommend staying at home as long as possible and 'power saving' for as long as you can. It's good to have an emergency fund of accessible, liquid cash. So nothing wrong with having that 30k going to that. This will prevent you from...