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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @jade1074 If you work as a doctor/dentist, it's possible.
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @bonnie99 That would depend on her job yes? I remember my pay was around 3.9k after tax and epf, fresh grad. During the first year of working. I'm a dentist. By second year, I think my monthly pay was around that amount.
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @sweetascandy1990 Buku 555, now that's really old school!
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @sweetascandy1990 Same.... My brain appears to like analogue better. Maybe it's just a result of writing down notes all this time from all the years studying. I can't remember unless I physically write something with some colours. A visual and hands on type learner 😂
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @mlorrainee Yes, tracking is the way. I think it's better to write physically rather than using app/excel, but you do you OP. I think someone posted last month in the sub regarding Kakeibo. That really resonated with me. You could check out that way of budgeting.