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  1. N

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @duke845 I completely agree 100%. I think they have some big issues to raise either with the nursery or their Council that provides the funding. They are getting ripped off with the figures they have quoted most definitely
  2. N

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @duke845 Good point…just didn’t want any others reading thinking all were the same
  3. N

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @duke845 Outside London…my area is currently £4.21
  4. N

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @duke845 Just to clarify…not all councils offer snack supplements and not all councils pay the same rate of funding… I am also a childminder and I do not get any snack supplements and my funded rate from my council is nowhere near £5 an hour!!
  5. N

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @chuckpeterson Government funding for 30 hour childcare is term time only. This is a maximum 1140 hours for a child the term AFTER they turn 3 years old. This equates to 22 hours a week if 51 weeks a year is used. Government funding is NOT ALLOWED to be “topped up” by nurseries or childcare...