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  1. R

    How do you motivate yourself to save and pay off debt?

    @uzezi This is what discipline is all about. I know Nancy Reagan got into all kinds of hot water for her “just say no” campaign, but it is important to say no to the mind. It builds up our will power.
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    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    @ethebear I hear you. I'll spare you my rant about the University system and how the financial aide counselors are there to fill the seats, not to help the students out, and how their hubris jacks the price up far beyond what is necessary or even justifiable. Oh yeah, I was going to spare you...
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    Series on Gen-Z & millennials struggles with expenses/debt

    @ethebear My kids also went through that, and I was looking for a job when the crash hit. All of one son's roommates (3) had multiple jobs to pay for both the rent and student loans. When the crash hit, every one of them lost jobs, and all of them had to move back with their parents. Now for...
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    [X-post /r/personalfinance] Need advice choosing a bank/card

    @missingthemark I agree with/bearninja about looking for a local credit union. The big banks all have very high fees and interest rates, so if you make any mistake it will cost you big bucks. Wells fargo is known for hostile business practices - and many of the big banks are not much better...
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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @quinita It does sound like a good idea if you have the income to support it. I knew one person that did that. The husband was an executive at a huge company, making executive salary. That’s only one person out of the thousands I know.
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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @resjudicata Seriously, how many people buy a property for their kids to live in during college? Less than 5%? 2%? It’s a privilege to be able to do something like that.
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    Pay for child's med school or invest money?

    @baruch_atah Rich people options.