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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @kayh85 Think it’s counted as PAYE
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @spiritsight And I’m only and index fund and large cap investor not speculating on mad risky bets
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @spiritsight I’m 22 Rn been saving since 18 so I could be, Rich is subjective but I mean deep into 6 figures by 30 is what I’m on track for
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @timdaniel Trying to be 30 and rich not 65 😎
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @quilly Need to add a couple 0s to my worth before I start doing this 🤣
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @michaelsouby I will contact them see what the fees and returns are could be a solid idea. Thanks for the advice 🙏
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    @michaelsouby This seems intriguing, So when investing in lump sums it can be used as a tax write off? and although CGT is capped at 10% if you have experience investing did you ever make more than 10% P/A?
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    How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

    I understand that Ireland doesn’t have tax efficient investment options like an ISA in the U.K or a Roth IRA in the U.S.A but surely there some way to minimise the flat rate of 33% no? Currently I’ve just been making sure to only realise up to 1,270€ of profits per annum to avoid paying CGT. But...