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  1. S

    Alternate between 2/3 ETFs (FTSE/MSCI World)

    @crunchtime89 I think it makes sense for you to do this to some extent in that it allows you to capitalize gains tax free (should the mechanism change later on), but every 6 mo seems really excessive. Why not every 5 years or so, as a one off? Buy VWCE for 4 years, then accumulate a different...
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @oneofthesheep The euro ones? I don't know off hand, on mobile atm. Valid concern, though. Another option could be an ultra short-term bond ETF or fund. A little better than an MMF, no real liquidity issues, and unlikely to see much volatility, but subject to interest rates changing. I'd expect...
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @oneofthesheep Personally, if I were holding euros, I'd buy those iBonds corp ETFs and either a lone gov bond or treasury, whatever is cheapest locally and available on a 50-50 allocation. This is a good mixture of public/private and the ETF is likely to remain liquid if I needed some of the...
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @oneofthesheep A simple option is to just throw it on a money market fund or ETF, such as $XEON, or a term bond ETF if you have a specific date in mind (iShares' iBonds).
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    Forcing to pay any taxes in Spain

    @jordan1275 If you register, you'll be declaring you live here for the moment. You'll have a local rental contract or agreement of some kind. Stepping out to go back to Poland will be seen as a vacation if it's ever looked at. After all, immigrants move to Spain and go back home for the...
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    Forcing to pay any taxes in Spain

    @jordan1275 Can't comment on the overall validity of the setup, but do mind that Spain considers short trips out of the country as being IN Spain for income tax residency math. Your XMAS trip out will not count as time OUT of the country, and you'll be a defacto resident with those dates, even...