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  1. G

    Need to cancel juminhyo, close bank account, remitting the balance to my US bank, managing property from the US

    @manishk012 I replied to @hark but same question: i don’t plan to use my current address because it’s my aunt’s and it was a temporary solution just so i can get a juminhyo to get a bank account. if you cancel your juminhyo doesn’t that result in having to close your bank account? Also my total...
  2. G

    Need to cancel juminhyo, close bank account, remitting the balance to my US bank, managing property from the US

    @hark Yeah, you're right I might be misunderstanding the difference between a jusho and a juminhyo. I think I declared what my jyusho was when I was applying to get my juminhyo. I'm not sure if that was a separate process. It would be SUPER nice if I could keep my bank account but that Wise...
  3. G

    Need to cancel juminhyo, close bank account, remitting the balance to my US bank, managing property from the US

    @hark Thank you for the detailed information! Are you saying that without having a residency in Japan (Juminhyo), you don’t have to close your bank account? I know that as a Japanese citizen i can apply for a jyuminhyo as long as i have an address i can tie it to. I think i see the confusion… I...
  4. G

    Need to cancel juminhyo, close bank account, remitting the balance to my US bank, managing property from the US

    Hi, I’ll see if I can keep this simple but I need some pointers of what to keep in mind. Here’s some context to my situation. You can skip to the end for my questions: I am a dual citizen, US and Japan. I was born and raised in Japan but currently living in the US. (let’s avoid talking about...