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    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @resjudicata Have you ever had issues with them trying to get money out?
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    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @1godpreacher I feel a lot more reassured now. Thank you so much. I suppose it’s just that I read somewhere before that the mortgage people/banks etc didn’t want to see big ticket purchases before you apply. It’s been hard not really buying much 🥲 just tryna be very good and saving everything as...
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    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @1godpreacher Thank you for your honest answer, found it very well-informed. The thing is that I love expensive candles! They’re my vice! I collect them and I love to buy from a particular brand in the States. The only thing is that after shipping over here and customs is expensive. I usually...
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    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @banemlamgi That’s an incredibly helpful answer, thank you so much ❤️ I have myself freaked out trying to be really good with not spending at all! I recently went into Penneys and spent €70 and felt so guilty after. But then I really don’t ever buy anything! Not for the last 6 months anyway...
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    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @redz16 That’s perfect, thank you. I had a sinking feeling that might be the case. Of course they would want to see where money is spent from all possible avenues. Really appreciate that.
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    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    We’re planning on getting a mortgage soon and I am saving to the back teeth, been super thrifty with all my money right now. I just want to have an additional account that doesn’t show big ticket purchases on our application. I just want something extra to the side, money wise. The main...