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  1. I

    Powershop 33% increase

    @diane44 I live alone which probably makes a massive difference! I probably do one load of washing a day or every second day and I don’t use the dryer much at the moment. The only thing running consistently is my fridge. I have gas heating/stove/water so that probably makes a big difference...
  2. I

    Powershop 33% increase

    @deandrade Hahahaha I don’t even know what that means but I’m going to do it when I reno! If you ever feel like sharing devices because you are excited just hollaaa at your girl. I feel like I’ve stumbled across something that’s going to make future me VERY HAPPY…
  3. I

    Powershop 33% increase

    @deandrade So I’m probably the least tech savvy person you will ever met and I had to Google what home automation was and it came up telling me allllll the things I can get my home to do for me. One day when I do renovations I’m going to have all the home automation a girl can dream of!
  4. I

    Powershop 33% increase

    @deandrade This comment made me check mine and I average about 6kwh a day. I’m super curious about what sort of devices you have. Not in a judgemental way lol I’m just trying to imagine all the fun gadgets you have in your life.