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  1. B

    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @jesusisall LOL! Make yourself suffer even more by paying back companies that would cut you open and take your organs if the law allowed them to. He can walk away for a lot less grief.
  2. B

    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @skelly Exactly. I have three credit cards, and several accounts with 0 interest. Do not believe the common myths about bankruptcy. No one will lose their job because you walked away. No one will go hungry.
  3. B

    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @skelly Nope. Just ignore them, or tell them to stop calling. If you don't own real property, there's not much they can do. Walk away. Like I said, I'm three years out and already have plenty of credit. The wealthy use this all the time, you should, too.
  4. B

    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @turretin No. The best bet is to walk away.
  5. B

    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @hopeful18 If you're not afraid of the credit hit, walking away is better.