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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @fenhn I have a job, I've predicted €240 as the minimum amount I'd have in a week and want to see how far it'd take me.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @catholiclutheran I'm not entirely sure how it impacts that either, nothing is freely given without conditions and future expectations not that I'm complaining.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @matt444412 Went full instead?
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @scarneal I'll be honest, I'm not as organized as I should be for a person my age. I have some failings for sure but all I can do is try and improve where I can I suppose.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @csanc 200 left over after all your expenses you mean?
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @silvereyes I'm currently a casual worker, I can do an extra day in the current job which would roughly add roughly €60 per week. I'm curious as to how far that €300 per week would go if I owned a property and also had to finance a car.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @archangelg3 I'll try to figure this out, thanks. 👍🏻
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @archangelg3 I'm wondering if it'd cover groceries, utilities and potentially a car essentially.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @alora It was short sighted of me not to mention why that might be an option. I updated the main post essentially to say that my parents may buy me a house. I'm mostly curious as to what options are open to me.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @catholic_with_a_mic Thanks for the thorough response. 👍🏻
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @scarneal Capital Acquisitions Tax is what would replace it I think, anything considered profit would fall under Capital gains tax.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @scarneal One of my parents suggested potentially inheriting in the next year or so (hopefully long before their passing obviously) rather than waiting until their actual passing. Inheritance tax being one of the reasons for sooner rather than later.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @scarneal I just updated the post as the why an owned property is potentially an option. :) It's been brought to my attention that if I continue to live in the sticks and dependant on a car to get around I may not be able to afford it.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @chronoswirl I agree, it's in the situation where I'd have to pay my own utilities and potentially for a car where I'm wondering if I could even manage all of it.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @resjudicata A particular reason you're saying that? I think I might be missing something obvious.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @walt74 I've yet to inherit a house, obviously HAP will have run it's course for me if/when I finish renting.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    @matthiasva My bad, I forgot to mention why that was an option so I just updated the main post. Essentially it may be possible to inherit a property or have it sold in order to pay for a different property that would be closer to where I live currently.
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    €240 per week enough to survive?

    I'm currently renting/cohabitating. The electric bill is included in the rent and the rent is covered by HAP so housing/electric comes to roughly €280 per month. The rental we're in has occasional issues but financially I think it's been good for us. There's uncertainty about my future living...