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  1. D

    Best ZERO tax country? (0% income tax, 0% corporate tax, 0% capital gains tax, 0% wealth tax, 0% inheritance tax)

    @hashim Panama is on "EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes", so I think that can give me problems in the future...
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    Best ZERO tax country? (0% income tax, 0% corporate tax, 0% capital gains tax, 0% wealth tax, 0% inheritance tax)

    @vinganca Which no income tax state do you live in? Why is everything shit there? Do you have examples?
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    Best ZERO tax country? (0% income tax, 0% corporate tax, 0% capital gains tax, 0% wealth tax, 0% inheritance tax)

    About me: I'm a 26-year-old newly graduated Software Engineer from Denmark (EU) with $30.000 saved up. For now, I don't have a wife or children, but that could change in the future. I'm trying to decide which 0% (or low) tax country I want to become a tax resident in... I want 0% or low...
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @1shae123 I already have accounts. Maybe if I just don't tell them about the move?
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @brookt Does this also work if you instead of getting a job at a company become an independent contractor for that company?
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @stephendisraeli I guess my only options then is places with low taxes (for example Bulgaria, Romania, etc.) or 0% tax (for example Dubai, British virgin islands, etc.)
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @stephendisraeli Example: I may work for a Switzerland company, while being tax resident in Paraguay and working in Thailand, but staying less than 6 months in Thailand to avoid triggering tax residency there.
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @resjudicata My current tax residence AND citizenship is in Denmark. They say that I have to call them and that maybe later I'll have to send them my first years tax paid in another country. But I don't know if it counts if I didn't pay anything. I'm also not sure if they will actually ask for...
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @resjudicata I'm just wondering if the permanent residency means the same as tax residency and whether my current tax residency will accept Paraguay as a valid new tax residency if I don't spend much time there. Also, maybe I'm not allowed to work in those other countries while traveling if I...
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    @resjudicata There are many good guides online. For example: But basically, it will cost less than $2-3.000 that you won't get back, and then you have to deposit $5.000 that you can withdraw afterward. People from all...
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    How to pay 0% tax with the Territorial tax system of Paraguay, while not having to actually live there?

    Is it really possible to pay 0% tax as an Expat in Paraguay because of the territorial tax system? (Assuming you have a remote job from Switzerland/USA/EU or have a foreign company and you don't perform any work activities in Paraguay) So this means the company that employs you, your tax...