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  1. G

    Am I in a crappy finance job?

    @jahovalbless04 One of my close friends still works in sales. He works for a large engineering company selling earthmoving equipment but started out with car dealerships. He seems to do quite well for himself and enjoys the work. It shows there are good sales jobs out there, maybe just in...
  2. G

    Am I in a crappy finance job?

    @jahovalbless04 I started at a car dealership in the UK where the money is also bad. One day off a week, working every weekend. They try to make it sound better by saying your commission based so if you sell more you make more but in reality it’s just not the case. I got out and got myself an...
  3. G

    People who fly business class, why and how much do you earn??

    @whoami_aghost My mum is in her 60s now and travels business whenever she comes to visit. She is not wealthy but has a decent pension. She says that the extra leg room and share folding down into a bed, really helps with the long haul flight.