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  1. W

    What should I do with my reenlistment bonus? Getting the full tier 9 80k lump sum

    @lookingfordavid (1) Probably pay off wife's loan and all loans above 4%. (2) Add up all loans for the 3% car and all zero interest loans. Put that amount into a high yield money market. Pay the monthly installments from that account. (3) If you hear from an investment firm First Command...
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    22 Y/O hoping to get term and whole

    @jsc2009 One thing to consider is that the ROP of $20k in 30 years, with inflation, might have the purchasing power of $6 or $7k in today's dollars. Consider buying a term and invest the difference in premiums with those of a ROP. You could invest in a 529 or just add it to an index mutual...
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    Bank account for toddler?

    @mercyngrace Absolutely get a bank account. One at a brick and mortar facility. Helps develop good habits.
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    0% credit card balance vs savings question

    @jonathanbewell But make sure you pay it off before you are charged interest. Edited to remove incorrect information.
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    does it make sense for me to invest in a policy now or wait?

    @katmack What is WL95 Do I have this right? Death benefits are $10k with a yearly premium of $1,500? You could save $10k in 7 years with those premiums. Depending on what WL95 is it doesn't look like a good deal. Having said that, it's likely the death benefit and cash value will...