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  1. H

    Salaries in IT

    @gaconvn there are many opportunities out there, paying way way ore than FAANG, and also on more interesting problems than 'rest and vest' in FAANG. Working in fairly intersting stuff. Getting around ~40M JPY a year
  2. H

    Advice on car ownership?

    @william3 in your case this is a question of "time preference" as there are more than one implicit underlying assumptions in your post. Depending on how is your current set up there is the possibility of getting the car and offset part of it as a cost. wihtout knowing your financial goals it...
  3. H

    Did the prices of real-estate went up over the past 2 years?

    @buffalopat for most people in reddit japan their unit of account is fiat currency, thus it is always goign up in value. For those of us in bear assets as a unit of account, things have become 5 times cheaper in the last year
  4. H

    Did the prices of real-estate went up over the past 2 years?

    @albinoguitman lol no, there are two mantras in japan reddit (including this sub), this being one of them: "RE always go down". I dont agree with it, it is a dumb take with no nuance.
  5. H

    Did the prices of real-estate went up over the past 2 years?

    @milagrace2018 yes prices went up, although the general gist of japan reddit is still that "JaPaN ReAlStaTe AlWaYs GO DOwN". Which is a dumb take lacking any nuance.