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  1. J

    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @woken123 Also, solemn reminder that GEN Odierno (Army) died about 5-6 years after he retired. HANG IT UP PEOPLE! Enjoy the perks you earned!
  2. J

    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @ndune4jc I had this debate with a buddy who is staying past his 20 so he could accept E8 and I told him it was dumb. You are in the right track and same train of though as I was until he reminded me that while yes 50k from a civilian job is counted you also have to count his active duty pay...
  3. J

    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @basilisk06 You’re forgetting about VA money which you should definitely make a claim after 20 years regardless if you think anything is wrong with you or not O3E/O4 retirement: $4000-5500/mo VA Disability (tax free): $1000-3700/mo Civilian career: $6000-11,000/mo Low end getting out at 20...