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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini no no noooo. Forget about 3b. In Switzerland you don’t pay capital gain tax when you sell your VOO. With 3b you don’t get the income tax deduction like you would with a 3a. And most importantly your long term returns will be greatly diminished. He may give you some tax advice...
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    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @christiansophistry thank you for your business ser. we love customers like you ❤️
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    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @christiansophistry There is the answer why the average Joe cannot make it with a normal salary 🤷🏼‍♂️
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini ask him to tell you or calculate with you exactly how much are you saving and you’ll be amazed that he’s talking about peanuts 🥜
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini the wealth tax is so small that it doesn’t matter to consider it when making any investments. On 50k you will save maybe 50fr a year in wealth tax by investing your funds poorly in a 3b with diminished returns. Stay with VOO and VT.
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    How is anyone with a full time job struggling ?

    @regret_living You realise 180k is a shit tons of money, right? 😂
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    I have a 10k fund emergence where do i save it?

    @toesockshoe In your checking account. You shouldn’t be concerned at all by yield when it comes to your emergency fund. You need to park it in the place you have the fastest permission-less unhindered access to it. Anytime anywhere. It is called ‘emergency’ for a reason. If you compromise it’s...
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    Already investing, but I have a cash account sitting around. How do I best go about investing it?

    @rengb121 you can double your monthly contributions or you can dump all the surplus in the IBKR account. Either way is fine. It is up to you what gives you a better sleep. I would opt for the latter since i know that time in the market is better than timing the market. I also go with an...