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  1. T

    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @alwayscurious Completely agree about Dave Ramsey. The advice was initially good in that I went from spending excessively to saving....but the psych components really need to be separated from his otherwise heinously bad advice. I was rushing to pay off loans with like 4% interest rates while I...
  2. T

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @hopingforchange Who said the timeline is a year? Since when does new management come in and suggest ideas to hire tons of staff? Usually it's the exact opposite and they try to make cuts earlier than would be reasonable. I agree organizations have a "if it's not broken, don't fix it" approach...
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    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @hopingforchange Ruthless cost cutting even when it negatively impacts consumers?