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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @structure You’re a good broker. I see your logic. Thanks for talking this out with me. It’s very obvious in your discourse that you care for your clients and advise them well. Hope you had a great year.
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @structure My thought is because of the risk. “It’s not a story of numbers but the number of stories” Just as the client can improve their health. It can also decline. We always advise to lock in the rate and then at policy anniversary submit a rate reduction application.
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @structure Why is the advice not to just buy longest term now… Get healthy… Then reapply for lower rates. No offense to OP but so many people who swear they will lose the weight, quit smoking, or start cardio, do not do these things. And then they either have to convert or pay even higher...
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    Help with Insurance Policy

    @keepthemcool2016 Instead of requesting a history of premium payments. Can you request an in force illustration? (Or have your father request it) That would tell you more. It’s good you have a copy of the policy. You can definitely have an agent review it.
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    Life insurance

    @amytai 9%!?!?!
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    Help with Insurance Policy

    @keepthemcool2016 Do you have a copy of the policy?
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    does it make sense for me to invest in a policy now or wait?

    @katmack Make sure to consider that it’s going to be more expensive when you are older. You also don’t know what can happen between then and now.
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    Should I surrender indexed universal life insurance policy?

    @dory69 I hope you are a trainer because this is better explained than carrier manuals.
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    250K Whole Life

    @javelinda You have your series 65 and work for Primerica?
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    Life Ins/Annuity Company sending claim form to non-beneficiary surviving adult child?

    @artzmel11 I’m so happy to hear that there is a successful end to this. Thank you for sharing the update. Best of luck as you continue to manage these affairs.
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    250K Whole Life

    @javelinda Wrong
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    Life Ins/Annuity Company sending claim form to non-beneficiary surviving adult child?

    @artzmel11 I am asking for the product name or carrier so that I can pull a spec contract and also find the right people to reach out to.
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    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @tigrl86 What do you mean more lenient? Any of my carriers would immediately flag this prospect and either decline or make them go through full underwriting. That many conditions will definitely be flagged by the automated underwriting tools.
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    My husbands life insurance policy lapsed due to non payment

    @tigrl86 Simplified still runs a milliman, MiB, and claims history right?
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    Life Ins/Annuity Company sending claim form to non-beneficiary surviving adult child?

    @artzmel11 Carriers are sometimes stupid. They are comprised of human beings and human beings make mistakes and send wrong forms, or not understand a question and give an improper answer. Most of the battle with insurance carriers is getting to the right department and person who actually...
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    Life Ins/Annuity Company sending claim form to non-beneficiary surviving adult child?

    @artzmel11 The agent that sold you this annuity should be able to assist in advocating for you. Sounds like wire crossed but they should not pay out to a non listed beneficiary. It’s a contract. They have terms to honor. Would you be willing the share the product that was purchased? I’d like...
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    Denied Permanent Policy

    @mattv03 Or just educate clients to not do fucking cocaine for the first time before an exam.
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    Living benefits

    @christiansworldwideweb Corebridge has QOL term. It has these riders you are looking for. Also North American. National life group. Transamerica LB.
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    250K Whole Life

    @viridiana This seems like good insurance to me. I’d be interested to see the projected CV in year 20 and at age 65
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    250K Whole Life

    @viridiana We really can’t comment without knowing the plan design. Whole life provides more than just a death benefit. Your plan could be designed to get more cash in the policy for future dividends. Your plan could also be a short pay design.