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    Willing to invest rm10k but not sure what to invest in

    @orthodoxokie All in VWRA.
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    I'll make RM2mil from selling my business, how do I achieve financial freedom?

    @blessed2day Hi, I (23M) was in a similar boat with you. Albeit, instead of selling a business, I received an inheritance which is a similar/ larger sum compared to you. I have since almost fully allocated the monies so I'm happy to share my portfolio with you. Feel free to DM me to connect...
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    Stashaway vs ETFs

    @zionpeter Great post!
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    3.85% p.a. with Maybank eFixed Deposit-i

    @cupofjoe1052 What thoughts do you want? It is what it is, a FD.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @thenoble 'Only invest what you are willing to lose' is a good quote you should know of before venturing into investments. If your scholarship allowance is something you can do without I'd say go for it. IBKR fees are one of the cheapest out there, I personally use the platform and I would...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @eng Good luck beating the market/ S&P500 😎 Well for Maybank stock, you should factor in your stock price devaluation as well into your dividend yield... wonder what's the % net yield you'd get in return.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @eng Well go look at Maybank's performance, measly 6.83% growth from 2008 to 2022. What good is there if dividend yield is great but performance is terrible? Sure, we cannot predict future performance but 6.83% growth? Do elaborate on why going all in on index funds is bad. I am certain that...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @eng Why would you recommend him to get into Bursa on the basis of cheaper fees. If anyone is in it for the long run VWRA is a no brainer. You'd be stuck with shit in Bursa. You're only looking at the current cost and not even taking into account possible future growth/ performance. Would you...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @thenoble Do not listen to the guy recommending you to start with unit trusts. Also, how does Bursa stocks have a lower entry point? Just go with the Irish-domiciled S&P500 ETFs bro. You really cant go wrong with this investment.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @eng Well at least I owned up to it mate.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @eng My bad, totally overlooked European fees.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @eng Do your research before commenting mate. How are IBKR fees $1.91 per transaction?? It's ONLY $0.005 per share, min. $1, max. 1% of trade value. Get your facts right before misleading others. Reference: