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    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    @srv People don't know what to think of my post. It's a nuanced informed take. It's not on either side. It's not a bumper sticker. So they downvote
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    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    @josephahmed "The Great Resignation has dealt the farming industry another blow, as employees look for increased benefits and better work-life balance. The resulting labor shortages risk subduing what otherwise should be a robust time for agriculture."...
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    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    @josephahmed I was dog whistling that undocumented should earn more money? Stellar hot take chief
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    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    @ingridls And the undocumented want to be paid more at the plants. Combine that with less undocumented coming in and the ones here are starting to have a little negotiating power.