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    Tax time dividend question

    @csev It is worth mentioning that in myTax you enter the four items separately, but the summary for each equity you hold shows "Your Share of Dividends" which is A+B+C and "Your share of credits/tax withheld", which uis C+D
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    Dollar cost averaging + P/L

    @jordangeneration Sharesight are a bit inflexible as to the method they use though. You have to choose from various options.
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    How reasonable is it to assume minimum 4% p.a. property growth?

    @kijani I assumed the 14% figure given for an ETF ( I assume an equity ETF) was all aspects of the return. I agree with you re leverage, but unsure how that relates to my comment
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    How reasonable is it to assume minimum 4% p.a. property growth?

    @kijani But property also generates net rental income on top of the capital gain.
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    Dollar cost averaging + P/L

    @delalt You are correct in that you may match purchases to sales any way you like. Just don't sell the same share twice.
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    Tax time dividend question

    @csev A is 2, the unfranked amount B is 1, the franked amount C is 6, the credits D is 4, withholding tax as you say The others are not needed (I assume 3 is 1+2+6, and 5 is 3-4 A+B+C are added to your taxable income , and you get C and D returned to you as rebates
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    How’d your super do?

    @diamondriver Very few voluntary concessional made after that date, only 50k.
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    Macquarie increasing their savings rate from 4.50% to 4.75%

    @resjudicata True, but it's only 4 typical shops, and if I get it wrong I lose the discount on the balance. Say I load $300 to cover about 2 weeks (so 1 week average outstanding ) . Interest (at 4.5%) is 26c compared to loading on the day when I spend. That is 17c after tax. Now if I get it...
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    How’d your super do?

    @galarneauwilliam Just to give some variety Accumulation. Age 63 and retired Start $1982k In (after tax) $1.2k Direct fees $0.3k Earnings $163k (8.2%: Balanced Aust Super) Before anyone asks, have since moved max to pension mode. To give a point in history, was $731k 1/1/2008 2008 was a...
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    Macquarie increasing their savings rate from 4.50% to 4.75%

    @pinkyrock With Macq the spending account gets same interest as their HISA
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    I’ve just been made redundant

    @three4rd Interesting. Wth mine, just one admittedly, my calculation for after tax ( there was also LSL and AL) matched what I got from employer within a few dollars. I just followed the ATO rules. If it had been different then I'd have been on to payroll like a shot.
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    ETF or More Super?

    @automatiic That's an unusual contract. Normally extra super is your choice.
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    ETF or More Super?

    @automatiic What do you mean that you 'have to' make a voluntary super contribution. Who is forcing you to do that?
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    Macquarie increasing their savings rate from 4.50% to 4.75%

    @pinkyrock I just load up a few hundred when it's about to run out. Woolies is flexible though. Loading at the time of payment would be a little time consuming and hold up the queue. I've bought exact amounts for companies like JB when I know what I'm buying.
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    New house build with 6.6kw EnergyBuild Smart Solar - how much to add a battery?

    @morh Re financial sense try this site
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    Home and Contents Insurance:

    @peace967 I assume they are monthly numbers!
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    HECS-HELP question

    @animator911 True, as might Japan from the past, but I still doubt it here. It would be interesting to see if the many rules around indexation actually work in reverse though .
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    HECS-HELP question

    @resjudicata The chance of CPI falling is pretty low, I doubt we'll see deflation in near or medium term. Inflation will likely fall though.