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  1. F

    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @ragnardanneskjold When it comes to having dependants I think you may be able to get some help or get them to lower the amount. Definitely go on their website they have lots of options such as if you can’t repay it maybe you can get credit, but if you don’t meet the requirements for credit...
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @the_funky_gibbon Definitely. I honestly disputed it around 2 months ago and haven’t heard back. So I definitely made the deadline and they just either haven’t reviewed it or idk what’s going on. I’ll definitely try speaking to my accountant, thank you for your input.
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @jay1964 Thank you I’ll definitely try that. I sent in my dispute months ago and still nothing so I’m just gonna continue trying to contact them. But I’ll also look into a insolvency trustee.
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @ibiggy I wouldn’t even mind if they did that to me either I just wish they’d at least get back to me about my dispute. I also feel like yours wasn’t too bad, mine is a lot more so maybe garnishing my EI isn’t enough to pay it off. I guess we’ll have to see but thank you for sharing your...
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @yaoshi Yea I’m definitely not letting it get that far. I’m trying to get info on my dispute and if not or if they deny my dispute I’m 100% setting up a payment method to begin paying it back. Times are just tough right now.
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @lika2022 I understand it could be considered negligence but I really did make sure that everything was okay by consistently calling to make sure of it and seeing that I was getting paid by EI only. I was a Student, working as many Full-time hours as I could, while paying rent and for my own...
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @mikeinseattle Yea It’s the eligibility that has been questioned but I looked at the evidence on my end and it just doesn’t add up, I’m quite confused too. But I provided my evidence in the dispute so I guess I’ll get my answers once Im able to speak to someone.
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @mikeinseattle It was stupid, they did it to everyone. They should have at least notified people through mail or stopped the EI payments completely and have people re-apply for cerb if they really needed it. I know so many people that didn’t even know they got switched to cerb until much after...
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    @tanithdaunicorn Yea when I disputed it I had to show my paystubs from that year and also explain my situation and why I believed that this shouldn’t be a debt. They aren’t a bother or anything, if anything I WANT them to get on my back otherwise it’s crazy hard to contact them. I’m happy to...
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    CERB Repayment and dispute

    So during Covid my hours got cut extremely short, I was working 3 hour shifts maybe 2 times a week even after begging for more hours. The reason being I worked in a store within a mall so the mall itself opened late and closed early due to Covid restrictions. My manager told us to apply for El...