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  1. C

    “Don’t tell the Credit Union it’s for a car!”

    @annointedb Damn you have a really fuckin shitty attitude. Sort yourself out guy. Do me the honour of blocking me please so I don't ever have to see this type of bullshit in this sub again. Holy fuck!
  2. C

    Broke and can’t budget

    @zol You can definitely pick up a Yaris with NCT for approx 2K. They run forever too
  3. C

    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    @soikeonhanh Best of luck bro.
  4. C

    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    @soikeonhanh OP they will literally fight your complaint for you after you have done all you can. I'd go to them straight away. They are fantastic to deal with it
  5. C

    Ripped off by Sky Ireland. What can I do?

    @barryg No I'd definitely start with Comreg first. No point wasting money with the small claims court when this exactly what Comreg is for