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  1. L

    Mil Spouse / AK Resident working in MD

    @juliesbob Here is a link to a summary. Did the preparer state why you can’t claim AK as your domicile for the time your spouse was on active duty? He may know something I am missing. I am not a certified preparer or...
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    Mil Spouse / AK Resident working in MD

    @juliesbob Was your wife also claiming AK?
  3. L

    Mil Spouse / AK Resident working in MD

    @juliesbob The penalty is usually determined by the amount that was under payed and not the length of time for individual taxes, business are a different story. Usually if you under payed by less than $100 then there may be no penalty. You would have do a Maryland return to determine under...
  4. L

    Mil Spouse / AK Resident working in MD

    @juliesbob So you would be a part time resident of Maryland. Part year for Alaska Up until your spouse was discharged from active duty. From that forward you should be paying taxes to MD along with your spouse. Make sure you get with HR to change your state status. You should have started paying...