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    @oliver19 There’s a general price increase in Maxicare every year. And lalo ngayon, laki ng losses ng Maxicare from last year.
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    Pacific Cross Inquiry

    @vanilla Yes there is. Though based on my experience, hindi sila ganun ka competitive sa services unlike mga HMO companies. Pero aa individual plan, pwede pa sila lumaban since hindi naman sila HMO. If affordable and okay naman service, I recommend Philcare.
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    Is Pacific Cross Select Plus worth it?

    If ang priority mo is confinement, okay as immediate protection ang PC.
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    Is Pacific Cross Select Plus worth it?

    @debbieculley11 How much is your budget?
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    Medicard Select Refund

    @ms This can be tough. Medicard suffered a huge loss this year. In fact they are increasing premiums of renewing accounts up to 20% or more kahit walang utilization yung client. Nagbabawi talaga sila. Sana ma aayos agad yung case mo.
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    Pacific Cross Inquiry

    @vanilla You mean coverage for group?