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  1. C

    Good Coverage source until Medicare kicks in

    @proverbsman86 Just go to the marketplace. It’s the only way to get an ACA compliant plan for sure. Off market place non ACA compliant coverage isn’t worth it. They all have pre existing conditions exemptions.
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    Medicare Part D

    @kenth Just the way it is. Medicare doesn’t usually pay for off label use. They will cover it for on label use. If your doctor can prove the case for it through peer review studies then you’ll be fine.
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    Medicare Part D

    @kenth Have your doctor appeal. The doctor will need to prove off label use is commonly medically accepted practice.
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    Need Health Insurance Mid Year, no insurance currently. Private Insurance?

    @stlwalker You need to have a qualifying life event to enroll outside of open enrollment. Getting a new job would do that or getting a second part time job that offers insurance.
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    Insurance won’t cover disk replacement

    @armorandswordwilling You can ask your doctor to help you appeal the insurance decision based on the procedure being medically necessary. It doesn’t always work but it’s your best bet.