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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @heliumskylark I do agree somewhat. But a house for many is also something they can pass on to their kids, and I have seen it to be the biggest investment that gets passed on. Primary Residence as an investment is certainly debatable. I don't like thinking of the primary residence purely as an...
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @resjudicata Yes, Flats don't. I have mentioned in the sub multiple times that flats are never good investment in RE as developer captures most of the upside value. A house is very much an asset. It has value. Your mortgage payment is a liability.
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    Behavioural lessons learned over 30 years of investing

    @rski Houses do provide Peace/Freedom/Relief, and it can be personal to everyone. Houses also appreciate at times. So while it's true that renting might look better considering the math of it, Housing is an asset which usually goes up with inflation. So it might make sense to buy than to rent...
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    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @josh1992 Yup. Well I don't try and play around with the stock market much, but just stick to the Index. But even that is almost guaranteed to give you more than 3-4% of returns in the long run.
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    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @josh1992 Thanks for sharing. However, I didn't really see you talk about down payment that one should put down for mortgages. Also, as the mortgage payments are primarily close to 1.5-2%, which is kind of free money, then why would you suggest putting in higher down payment when that money can...
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    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @protorayish I have a question for you. Sometime back I was talking to a bank about a mortgage, and they said as a first time buyer they would want to see me not use much of a leverage during my loan. Now technically ofcourse it doesn't matter. But what exactly does it mean not to use much...
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    HDFC index funds expense ratio doubled in direct plans from 15-Apr-2021

    @shanah You don't need a demat account to buy a Mutual Fund. I would use a third party site like Kuvera to buy them, as Kuvera has a few add on services to monitor your portfolio too. Specially if you are investing in other funds as well. I believe Zerodha buys mutual funds in Demat form, which...
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    HDFC index funds expense ratio doubled in direct plans from 15-Apr-2021

    @shanah Do so without any conviction. Their index fund is probably the best right now considering fees, tracking error and other things.
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    HDFC index funds expense ratio doubled in direct plans from 15-Apr-2021

    @wilddaisy It's usually their debt funds where they are not very investor focused and don't act in the best interest of the investors.
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    Claiming LTA tax exemption when source and destination are completely different

    @resjudicata Do you necessarily have to be on leave to claim LTA?
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    Claiming LTA tax exemption when source and destination are completely different

    @trisagion3 Do you have to be on leave for the days you claim LTA for? Say if I work in Hyderabad and travel to Delhi for a week, but am still working from home. Will I be eligible to claim LTA for that travel(flight tickets)?