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    UPDATE - I found a lost premium bond that’s 30 years old..

    @daniel_can Ahhh that is very interesting. It’d be interesting to do an experiment of, if you had £1000 in there, withdraw £200, put £200 back in, etc and see how that did compared to just leaving £1000 in
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    UPDATE - I found a lost premium bond that’s 30 years old..

    @greg1886 Oddly enough I’ve transferred £4200 over to them (emergency fund, quick access etc) and March will be my first draw so that’ll give me something to do for the month of March.
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    UPDATE - I found a lost premium bond that’s 30 years old..

    @nmd Yeah I’ve transferred the emergency fund in there also as it was just sitting in an online account doing nothing, first draw is March.
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    UPDATE - I found a lost premium bond that’s 30 years old..

    Absolutely no idea how to link the original post but a few wanted an update. Back story: I found a 32 year old £10 premium bond in my name. Had the exciting prospect of calling them up, them sending me a form, me sending the form back to them, wondering who the F is ERNIE? It’s been a wild...