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    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    @scarletrozes Yup there are many network companies. Ericsson, huawei, Celcomdigi, Umobile, TM to name a few and they all pay very well if you are in sales/people manager roles.
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    Paying in full vs 0% interest installments

    @darrelelliott Is taking the 0% interest installment plan always better than paying upfront in full for high value purchases? In theory, yes. However, it's best if you calculate out the cost of the entire purchase and check if you already have this sum in the bank. Then, if you break it down to...
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    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    @scarletrozes Hi, I’m in the telecomm and network tech industry.
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    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    @sparklingangel To be fair, I didn’t give it much thought before renting since it was on a short notice so I signed a 1 year tenancy agreement a little bit further from my office at PJ. I knew I was going to get a car either way so I thought the commute won’t be too bad.
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    Pros and Cons of Job Relocation to KL

    @lunamu Thank you. You are right. I just need more insights before I can make a more informed decision since I have always been very risk averse. For better or for worse, ultimately it's a choice I have to make and consequences I need to deal with. Haha. I envy that you have such confidence...
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    Pros and Cons of Job Relocation to KL

    @zadeet Thank you. It took me a good 1 year before I could kick the ground running. But we are under extreme pressure for results now as management are anxious to produce results to be presented to shareholders. Turnover is getting crazier too. Yes, this is my concern. It's not that I doubt...
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    Pros and Cons of Job Relocation to KL

    @lunamu You’re right. My actual concern is actually in the career and income part, not so much on the benefits of personal growth if I choose to relocate. Leaving means my existing client base need to be handed to the person who will taking over my role here (no cross region selling allowed)...
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    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    @emmalex I did not manage to negotiate for higher.
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    Pros and Cons of Job Relocation to KL

    Context : I (30, single, M) received an offer to transfer to HQ (KL) with a 50% base increment (from 4k to 6k). To put it simply, I do sales. I will be doing the same role there as I am now in the same company, just relocate to Kuala Lumpur to hunt and farm the companies there. However, I...
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    25 y/o, room rental

    @veenesse Yes. It’s best to have one tied to your name and not company. Because you might not be with the company forever. And the premium will increase the later u sign for one on ur name later
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    Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

    @ineedadvice101 He's not wrong so I don't get the downvotes. If you currently have a job, then by all means take the time to consider. But if you're currently unemployed, I'd pick whatever job comes my way first.
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    25 y/o, room rental

    @veenesse nettpay after deductions : RM3100 approx nett expenses currently : RM 1300 Balance : 1800 I would budget RM500 for a decent place to stay. and I think you should spare RM200/month for medical card.
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    [Update] Relocated to KL with >60% Income Cut

    @ovixs90 I am considering to get my own place very soon so this is a short term solution since I’ve signed a tenancy agreement for 1 year. On paper it’s only 12km away, 20 mins away if there’s no jam.
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    really need advice on paying for college

    @tru_telr I have but to ask, have you tried asking your parents for the money?
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    I'll make RM2mil from selling my business, how do I achieve financial freedom?

    @trm16 Why do i have a feeling that the mods here are also against OP's post? Are they also salty?
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    Benchmarking Salaries, Savings Rate and Networth

    @taylorjr94 very good point. I completely missed this. Probably skipped my mind when I did this. Ok, seems to be a much better situation overall, gotta rework my calculations
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    Hitting Rock Bottom

    @mjmotr1 If i tally up all your commitments it's exactly RM2.1k. So you have 1.4k leftover after paying all these. Best course of action is to free up some space for cashflow. You have 2 modes of transport. A car and a bike. I would sell off one of those. The bike, if you have a family to...
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    Benchmarking Salaries, Savings Rate and Networth

    @bandiron Yes. I am aware but too lazy to do proper calculation. Thanks for clarifying. However, I am not aware that employer contribution drops after exceeding 5k. But google shows that you are correct.
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    Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

    @veryhappyman I've been working from home for 3 years and I just could not continue working from home anymore. Relocated to KL where my HQ is and I find more joy commuting to work and have colleagues to be around with.