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  1. H

    Willing to jump, but still a bit afraid (open my own business)

    @enddayshappy I would think given your background, if you want to start you own business, then if you also speak Japanese, you should stop being an ALT and instead do juku-style or private lessons for people who want to get into medical or veterinary school. Alternately, since you have a...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @primarymay actually impossible. the conversion process required 10 years with the clock starting from April 2013. COVID hit in 2020 (
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    Inheritance Tax Hypothetical (am I understanding this correctly?)

    @achapman24 tax rate is based on the size of the estate but then distributed based on the amount received. The tax rate on anything under 1000万円 is 10% so the total tax owed from everyone would be 5.2 million yen. So each kid's tax obligation would be 1.3 million yen. Wife's tax obligation...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @faithfound In the comment above, you seemed to be suggesting that the rules of employment affected what the OP wants to do. I didn't see OP or anyone else involved expressing confusion (as if often seen on jlife) that made it seem like permanent converting his part-time position would give him...
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    Inheritance Tax Hypothetical (am I understanding this correctly?)

    @achapman24 This is addressed in the wiki as well. But several issues with what you're writing to think about: when you say "goes to", the percentages you're describing are the inheritance provisions under Japanese civil law. So when in a...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @faithfound No, that's not the issue. fiyamgauchi is describing Labor Contracts Act Article which specifies that people have the right to force employers to make them permanent if they've worked they are contracted for 5+ years. Prof_PTokyo is describing employment regulations often used by...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @christianzealot4 I'm not an expert on this but if you're staring at yen losses, I don't see any benefit to rebasing. also eager to be corrected by people who know better but my sense is that most (IB excluded) Japan brokerages won't touch a transfer of stocks from abroad.
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @christianzealot4 for Japanese citizens and others with tax residency, you will owe Japanese taxes on your global income including from the sale of stocks. Your income from selling stocks from a Japanese perspective will be based on the purchase cost of the underlying assets. So if, for...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @arcticwind If you're not a Japanese citizen, then while you are a non-permanent tax resident you could rebase while already in Japan. It can create remittance issues but would definitely be worth it to avoid getting hit with all of your gains.
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @jariel Yeah, I'm definitely not discounting that either but even without the exchange rate bit you can still get murdered by that sort of cost basis.
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @jariel I don't think this is really all that tightly linked to the exchange rate per se. I think the issue occurs because Japan would then have the right to tax you on all gains since when you bought the stock. i.e. buy stock in 2005 for $10 in 2024 it's now worth $100. If you move to Japan...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @patric exception for universities and research institutions to the 5-year rule.
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @nicoleb07 I respect the quit. I too had "a job I no longer enjoyed with an employer that didn't want me" I was in a situation (still not PR no home) where keeping a job was vitally important and had nothing else on the title. I also felt that if I could wait out the guy who made my job...
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @christianzealot4 also you should rebase your portfolio before moving to Japan because they will tax you on gains based on original purchase cost in yen if you don't.
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    to add to the senshuu case information, the university's perverse argument was: X does research We hired X to only be a teacher here Therefore the 10-year exception applies to X Which the court rejected sharply. The court maintained that you have to be hired to do research (and not merely as a...
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    Converting to a non-fixed term contract

    @primarymay it's tell me "unable to create comment" so I'm having to cut things down. The labor contracts act article 18 specifies the terms for permanent conversion ( BUT the employers you're talking about are universities...
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    納税証明書 for SoR renewal with delayed pension application

    @123wc go to the NTA office and ask for them.
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    納税証明書 for SoR renewal with delayed pension application

    @123wc err... what did immigration say they wanted?
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    With the recent BoJ news regarding Rise In Interest Rates: loan variable vs. fixed

    @artosgalleries An important thing to understand about the Japanese mortgage market is that somewhere around 80% of mortgages are variable rate here ( In contrast, I think the US/UK cases were about 10%. This creates a very different reality for a...
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    2021 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @kristhuy does the Rakuten one return correct numbers? It's giving me different numbers (smaller by about 30000 yen) from all the other simulators and the other simulators seem to have worked correctly in terms of what's been deducted from my residence taxes for the last few years.