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  1. A

    Budget for 70k-80k

    @redeemed76 I like that way of thinking! Maybe adding a color or other way of showing which parts of the budget are more maleable. Taxes, Rent, Insurance etc. are pretty hard to reduce or adjust. Commuting (car or other), Some Medical, Food .. Can somewhat be adjusted depending on your...
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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @redeemed76 Gouzi00:As I laid out the above is based on a budget for the average family of 4 living on what most people in Switzerland would have in their live. I specifially mentioned that yes, as always you can shave off costs if you reduce things to the absolute minimum, depending on your...
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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @redeemed76 You are correct...kind of. The budget is a good starting point giving you a feel for what things cost in general. Everything can be sanded down, but this gives you a starting point of what is roughly the ballpark. Lets Take the point you addressed and break it down further...
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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @xc37 So assuming 75k Netto = 6250/mt (OR 5770/mt *13 Payments)Assuming Family = Grown Ups and 2 Kids. Go to and download the file BB_Familie_2K.pdf. For the sake of simplicity listed below. That is quite a tight budget though... Not sure if you...