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  1. H

    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @rogueebear Thanks - I’ll look into this, I remember discussing this a few years back but heard horror stories of insurance sales processes from a local friend.
  2. H

    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @rogueebear Forgot to mention - will add as an edit. Yes I do have iDeCo. I’m maxed out on all the tax deductible options.
  3. H

    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    Note; I’m not looking for advice, I am just wondering what it is that people do. Or do they really just keep swathes of cash in their current account. With the world where it is, I appreciate there will never be an ultimate solution to this - and I must lean on the trust I have placed in mega...