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    How do you mentally handle investing (e.g. analysis paralysis, stress, etc.)?

    @bereanmom Once you go through a major downturn and then see it recover, you kind of lose this anxiety. I've lived through several now. In 2022 I was down 35%, over 100k. I didn't change much, just kept buying. Those same shares were up 45% last year so I'm basically back to where I started...
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    Interview w/ Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic

    @gregorybnorman That is a great way to put it.
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    Interview w/ Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic

    The CNBC interview with Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic was perhaps the most clear and concise summary of the Fed viewpoint I have seen up to now. TLDR: - He thinks we will see a slowdown but avoid recession - He thinks it wont be necessary to cut rates until mid next year - They are...
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    Core PCE comes in 0.2% MoM vs 0.2% exp 4.2% YoY vs 4.2% exp

    @outlawingrace I am not sure, the Volker era was about hiking rates above inflation. In that regard we are sufficiently tightened with some headroom for more inflation volatility. I agree with the responder above you that it mostly implies higher for longer and no easing, not necessarily...