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  1. L

    Need help with Roth IRA

    @polcat Dont do this. If you are looking to be aggressive go for growth not dividends. Dividend funds tend to under perform the market. Besides, why would I want to dump $ into companies that don't think further investment of profits will yield more growth so they just pay out dividends? I...
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    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @mellowyellow You've got to consider the burden on your 5 kids and spouse from deployments, PCSs, increased work responsibilities etc. Math most likely also supports taking $200k second career if that's realistic. You'll also save $ not moving frequently and be able to establish roots and...
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    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @mellowyellow Your intangibles don't capture any of the civilian upsides or military downsides. For instance, TSP is easily offset by a 401k and likely bested by a company match. When I made my retirement decision one of biggest factors was stabilizing the kids and providing them the...
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    Retire in 5 yrs or stay in another 15?

    @texasjo It's more like passing on $50k for 10 years just to get an additional $50k per year later. Break even is at best 10 years post 30 year retirement. But factoring in opportunity costs of not taking $200k second career it probably doesn't make purely financial sense.
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    Advice on TSP

    @marezee61 Your TSP allocation is very conservative and kinda all over the place. 18% in G fund in a lot not earning anything after inflation. Then you also have L fund (no mention of which year) which also has F/G allocation inside. I'd just pick an L fund and go.all in thats the...
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    Assumption of my Fathers mortgage

    @godisalwaysnear Other things to consider: What other veterans benefits or local outreach programs is he eligible for? Did he ever file for VA disability (many older vets didnt unless severely injured my Dad is one)? If he can't afford food/shelter without your financial support, perhaps...
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    Assumption of my Fathers mortgage

    You could just pay mortgage for him and wait to inherit it with stepped up basis. But if he has other debts or goes into assisted living under Medicaid they'll want to recover assets from the estate. And thats why its key to make sure you aren't running afoul of the Medicaid eligibility rules...
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    Assumption of my Fathers mortgage

    @godisalwaysnear Ask an expert about any Medicare or Medicaid implications. There are rules for lookback period to prevent seniors from redistributing assets then claiming for long term care expenses etc