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  1. T

    U.S. tourist for 6 weeks: Rent a car vs buy and sell

    @dinomangino There are shitloads of original condition 80s and 90s campers out there on the road doing 10000ks a year. Most cheaper rentals are 90s vans with well over 400'000km on the clock (though they use masks over the Speedo so you can't see the 100'000s)
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    U.S. tourist for 6 weeks: Rent a car vs buy and sell

    @jellyquest Depends. Some will give you a tank of gas. Some will refund you the ferry cost for driver and car (and can often book it when it's "full) Some will even pay you (a very small amount - a "refreshment" payment) Some will give you a combination of the above. Most will give you...
  3. T

    Tax treatment of renting rooms to flatmates in your primary residence? Claiming tax back.

    @anxiousonthebrightside Sure. Until IRD ask you why you are claiming a loss form something when you aren't renting at market rates....