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    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @glenny61 Yet my house has more than doubled in value since I bought it in 2009. You just bought at the worst possible time (through no fault of your own).
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @8675309 2008 took a few years, so hardly quick if you were planning to retire that year. COVID turned out to be negligible despite a massive initial drop.
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @fatrabbit Look at the concept of laddering. Even in your retirement years, the portion of your investments that are earmarked for 10 years from when you're likely to need them, should probably still be in 100% equities. The 5 year money at less than that (50/50?), and the 2 year money in...
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @8675309 The graph assumes you have a fixed sum in there from the start. You've been investing every month for a few years. Some of those contributions will be up, some down, etc, so no, the graph will not exactly represent your returns. The bulk of them will have gone up since November though...
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    Is a pension really worth it while trying to clear £15k credit card debt?

    @rubychrist No idea why this is being upvoted, it would only cover a month's pension contributions.
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    L&G PMC Multi-Asset fund 3 suddenly ballooned

    @8675309 It was doing ok-ish for a bond heavy supposedly 'low risk' (slow growth) fund, then bonds tanked thanks to a certain prime minister who served less time than a lettuce, now those bonds, and the markets as a whole are recovering...