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  1. C

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 I would start here (). Obviously it comes with risks and much less protections than stocks, but I would argue fortune favors the bold.
  2. C

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 Personally I would get into crypto if I were you. I understand it’s not a popular answer but it’s basically enabled me to upgrade my lifestyle and hit my goals.
  3. C

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @resjudicata Plausibly. I won’t assume anything, nor do I have the time to do the math right now. If they were single for the majority of the time he could do damn near close. If they made small, good investments this would also be reasonably possible. Even if we did assume they had some...
  4. C

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @resjudicata Meh, they deserve it. Perhaps others will see this down the line and it will be helpful in one of two ways: 1. They inherit/win/make (see: SHIB) a large amount of cash and actually don’t know what to do with it. 2. They see the post and realize this is all possible while being...