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  1. Y

    Expat bank advice

    @ambermyersj Check out N26. Might meet your needs.
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    SG Expat Controbuting to Roth IRA

    @bmr1221 If your Line 15 is greater than what you’d like to contribute, and less than the income limit ($160k for single and $240k for married) then you’re good to go.
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    Question regarding IRA and roth-IRA

    @tylerfed Again, it wouldn't hurt to ask someone who actually knows what they are talking about. I only know what I've done in my situation, and I use the FTC, rather than the FEIE, so this isn't a viable option for me. But there are no glaring errors in your logic, from my untrained perspective.
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    Question regarding IRA and roth-IRA

    @tylerfed First, I don’t think there’s a 10% penatly in this case. That’s only on withdrawals, and you’re not withdrawing, it’s a recharacterization. So, there’s shouldn’t be a penalty. Second, assuming I understand you correctly, in that you’re planning on having zero income on your tax...
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    SG Expat Controbuting to Roth IRA

    @bmr1221 Is Line 15 on your US tax return >$6500? And are you talking about a contribution or a conversion? I don’t fully understand what you’re looking to do.