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  1. L

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @innova2019 Fair enough - the point is still the same. The timeline of keeping it in a Roth in my opinion is important because if it’s too short a time then you don’t really get the tax free growth benefit. You’re right for being methodical for this.
  2. L

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @innova2019 Right that makes sense - how much time between these steps? E.g. you move from IRA -> Roth today, then next year from Roth -> brokerage, then liquidate and -> checking? Or maybe you’re saying move $50k to Roth then move 40k to checking so you slowly convert everything over?
  3. L

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @innova2019 Why the move from Trad IRA -> Roth then immediately to after- tax account -> checking? I understand you’re making distributions but if you need cashflow why not just go from Trad IRA -> checking? That is easy to automate. Unless you’re planning on keeping money in the Roth for some...
  4. L

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @innova2019 I have a friend that’s mid 30s healthy guy, works out regularly, non smoker - I think the dilemma is what you want is the automated account movement part without investment management, I get that but I’m not sure how an advisor could do that. I can send you his info though.
  5. L

    S&P500 client ISO financial planner

    @innova2019 That’s the easy part - I know plenty of advisors that would fit the bill (assuming you’re mid 50s-60s).