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    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @resjudicata Chapter 7 or 13? I don't think I qualify for chapter 7. I live in FL @al8115
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    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @resjudicata I never missed a payment. I believe that's the reason
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    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @ilovejeshua $1200
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    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @bronwynm @bronwynm Ok, I would like hear more about your story, what do you mean 3 years out? 3 years not paying them and still able to have credit card?
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    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    @bronwynm @bronwynm What do you mean by walk away? just stop paying and wait for them to call and try to settale?
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    $47828 in Credit card debt- looking for ideas

    Hi all. So I have $47828 in credit card debt. I'm in that debt because I was irresponsible and stupid. I am ready to change my life and be F responsible. No emergency fund and no savings, 3 k in the bank account. I am 28 y/o I'm making 85k a year, total take home is $5664. I do not need...