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  1. J

    Traditional TSP vs. Roth TSP

    @resjudicata Thank you for the comment! After doing a bit more research, I definitely agree with you and I appreciate you summarizing what I found to be true :) Most of the information out there was specifically Roth IRA vs Trad IRA so I was more familiar with the Trad TSP which is mostly why...
  2. J

    Traditional TSP vs. Roth TSP

    @bevm current married planning on pulling between 60-80k/year income (obviously may change depending on life) Pay will increase from ~70k now to ~200K in 4 years. These are only my incomes, my wife is finishing up school, only currently makes ~18k, unsure of what shell make when she graduates.
  3. J

    Traditional TSP vs. Roth TSP

    @hrt4desh I was talking specifically the Roth TSP vs Trade TSP, not the Roth IRA vs Trad IRA
  4. J

    Traditional TSP vs. Roth TSP

    I'm an O-3 w/