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  1. M

    3 points on my driving record in cali. All companies deny me or are too expensive! Any help?

    @nesiory In one year's time you've proven yourself to be incredibly reckless and most companies don't want to take on the risk that you'll likely severely injure someone soon or God forbid, kill someone. Those that will take on the risk are going to charge accordingly. That's not exactly rocket...
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    If I’m leaving the country a few months and want to let my adult daughter borrow my car how can I legally protect my car?

    @shawpedro5 If you switch the car solely into her name and she then insures it, it would be HER car and HER liability, not yours. You would have no more concern of liability if she hits someone than you would if I crashed my car into someone because neither car belongs to you. Just because...
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    If I’m leaving the country a few months and want to let my adult daughter borrow my car how can I legally protect my car?

    @elyalan You usually can't get non owner policy if you are driving or have access to a car on a regular basis like this. And comprehensive wouldn't cover the car in the event that she crashes the car anyway. That would fall under collision coverage, not comprehensive.
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    Question about homeowners insurance

    @brentstr2 You make sure you have good liability limits as well as an umbrella policy. Don't be petty.
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    State Farm and my $0.02

    @dixiegypsy31 The car insurance and license issue is entirely your fault not SF. Did you turn in your plates and cancel the registration when you scraped the car? I'm suspecting not. It was your responsibility, not your insurance, to notify the DMV that your car was disposed of and no longer on...
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    Regarding changing deductible

    @ron902 Don't commit insurance fraud. Just don't do it. It would cost you far more than if you paid for the repair out of pocket.
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    State Farm and my $0.02

    @dixiegypsy31 If that's the worst case of blowing it you've done, then you're good. You're actually way ahead of me. I've fucked up far worse and at a much older age than you.
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    Driver who hit me in March has not contacted his insurance, who is now refusing to approve the claim bc of this. Considering hiring a lawyer.

    @intheend Your lawyer friend isn't a very good lawyer. You have no legal contract with Geico, but their client does. Geico works for them not you. You have no legal standing to sue geico because at this point in time, Geico owes you nothing. Anything they would pay you short of a court order is...
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    State Farm and my $0.02

    @crutchfield23 You obviously haven't denied enough legit claims yet or lowballed enough to get paid.
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    Can I get a rental car by myself now and ask for reimbursement later?

    @jonkaro When total damages between all 3 claimants goes above the at fault drivers limits, the "pot of money", the limits, is divided between the 3 claimants according to each one's amount of damage. No one gets fully compensated since there's not enough money to go around.
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    state farm rental help??? total loss

    @axiom1 Yours could be different as I once wrote for a company that on a total they gave the the entire max dollar amount for rental whether you used it or not. But most companies give 3 to 5 days after it's declared a total.
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    Auto insurance accident question

    @married6242017 That means nothing.
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    Auto insurance accident question

    @married6242017 You don't know that.
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    At fault accident in parking lot am i screwed for insurance??

    @phamnga25 An accident is an accident. If you're found at fault, where it occurred doesn't matter.
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    At fault accident in parking lot am i screwed for insurance??

    @phamnga25 It's impossible for anyone here to know how much this would increase your rates, if any at all.
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    @sirenoftherocks Well, you have one now.
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    Insurance lapse question

    @dave56786 "Collision coverage" means you had coverage for damage to the car thru your insurance. I suspect you're meaning liability only coverage. If your insurance wasn't involved then they can't help you. Your only option is to keep working with the tow company for the documentation needed.
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    How does insurance cover damage to shared property? (e.g. a fence)

    @idahobangbang /@compwiz02 is right on how this would would play out. I wouldn't suggest filing a 3,700 claim when most homeowners have at least a 1,000 deductible, so no way in hell I'm filing a claim for half that payout or less.
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    At Fault/insurance rate increase amount

    @immortalampharos You can withdraw the claim and bf dad can pay for everything out of pocket rather than use your insurance but if a claim has already been filed its on the record as permissive use at fault as accident for 3 to 7 years depending on company an state regs. Any rate increase, if...
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    Another employee at my job crashed into my car, is it worth getting my car insurance involved?

    @sophyjo Unless you have collision on your policy, there's no point in calling your insurance. Regardless of who's insurance you use, be prepared for it to be totaled.