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    2022 Financial Review - How was your year?

    @taylorjr94 80% of my portfolio is in US tech stocks. Enough said 😂 10% in BTC and ETH. Got in at 49k USD price. Enough said. Considering buying Maybank or PBB shares. Looking into sportstoto too. Have yet to pull the trigger.
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    3.85% p.a. with Maybank eFixed Deposit-i

    @resjudicata What? Having 250k is considered atas?
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    Tax Filling Issue

    @liorex He is a YouTuber who isn’t really knowledgable but pretends to be one by making videos on how to do this and that. Best to stay away if you are looking for much more in depth details
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    Tax Filling Issue

    @digitalchaos Ziet is wrong.
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @matthewades I smiled when i read you wanted to buy a house because you want your kid to grow up in a proper environment. And, also nice touch of class from you for rewarding your spouse. Hats off. If you are risk adverse, you can put your bonus into a money market fund for liquidity purposes...
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @hikairop What a butt load of horse manure
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @andrusjarv The S&P is -15% lol. Any energy stock purchase lets you beat the S&P already. 🤦‍♂️ Look at the past 5 years, Buying APPL alone beats the S&P yearly. Is not hard dude. Heck, the highest weightage stock for the S&P is APPL. Maybank share prices doesn’t fluctuate that much if I’m not...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @andrusjarv Maybank is a dividend stock. Not a growth stock. If I put my money in Maybank, I’m not after capital growth. I want the dividend payment. Sure, there are better places to park ur money but if is between FD and Maybank, I’ll take Maybank. Performance terrible? Again, not a growth...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @andrusjarv Did i recommend him to get into Bursa? For argument sake, Bursa isn't shit. Let me give you an example. The FD rates are approximately 3% ish in Malaysia. If you get into Bursa and purchase say Maybank shares which gives on average 5.5% dividend yield, is that shit? Again, for...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @andrusjarv Don’t be a clown. I did the math and showed him. What are you barking on? Bursa shares have a lower entry point because it is cheaper? I wrote that I’m not a fan of unit trust but for OP case, the math shows that it is cheaper than buying the VWRA ETF.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @thenoble If your capital is 1k on a quarterly basis, I hate unit trust but I think it would be a better option for you since the fees are higher than regular share purchases, i.e., 0.5% but lower for your case. I’m speaking from a fees perspective for the above. However, if u insist on...
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @joep222w If the US economy continues to be on the dumpster, we are all fucked
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @andrusjarv Next time, do your research before commenting mate. And also, get your facts right before you open your mouth.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @andrusjarv I’ve bought VWRA shares myself and the cost was 1.9 USD or 1 GBP per transaction. Irish domiciled ETF that I bought was VWRA and It is listed under Europe as it doesn’t trade on the American Market.
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    Investing in Irish domicile ETFs

    @thenoble Per transaction is 1.91 USD give or take. Perhaps cheaper now due to strengthening USD to GBP. 1k MYR probably gets you around 2.5 shares of VWRA. 2 USD fee for a 220 USD investment is 0.9% fee. Not worth it imo.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @meesh1070 Call a family meeting and ask them point blank what they plan to do with the debt. Housing loan perhaps you can help since you are staying there. If you are willing to help on their other debts, tell them it has to be on your terms. Similar to how the IMF bails out broke ass...