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    Buying house in Japan

    @ellisonbrowny Yeah. Both kansaijin lol I re read that. No currently girlfriend, soon to be wife
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    Buying house in Japan

    @littlelou Guess the American way of thinkings ingrained in my head. Do whatever you can that’s kiiiiinda in the gray area to lower taxes lol
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    Buying house in Japan

    @littlelou Thanks Same idea on the first part For the second part can’t I just give her paper yen and have her deposit it into her account? Would that raise a red flag?
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    Buying house in Japan

    @joshuadaryl Right on. Great info!
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    Buying house in Japan

    Thank you thank you! Loan would be in my gf/wife’s name, she’s a Japanese citizen born, living, and working a salary job. Adding that to my original post
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    Buying house in Japan

    @paleouss Really appreciate the reply! Yeah, been looking at shinchiku so maybe not much wiggle room there. The interest rates are so insanely low it seems like a waste not to get a loan lol. Rather keep cash in my American investments
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    Buying house in Japan

    @69inforever Thank you! Yeah the hypothetical loan will be through my gf/wife, she’s a Japanese national, born, living, and working in japan
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    Buying house in Japan

    @ginger18 I was talking to another guy that I would just give her cash and she can deposit it. But I guess that’s tax fraud in Japan lol. Got taught the The American way- pay as little taxes as possible
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    Buying house in Japan

    @wlc777 All great points, thank you! As for the last question- the presumed loan would be in gf/wifes name. she’s a Japanese citizen born, living, working in Japan so was wondering for HER to get approved for a loan what I can /should do to raise the odds (ie put money in her bank account to...
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    Buying house in Japan

    @rojer Right on. Thanks for the info!
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    Buying house in Japan

    @vicomte13 I took few years off work to fuck around several years back, lived in Japan for a while, met her back then so been dating for years but I went back to work. So long distance relationship for now. Gonna make some more US money then retire in Japan pretty soon.
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    Buying house in Japan

    Hey all, was looking for a Japan real estate sub but I think this is the closest (*also posted on /movingtojapan) I’m gonna get so let me ask - Currently living in the US with solid plans to move to Japan. Want to buy a house ahead of time in my favorite little town in Saitama (😆) Questions...