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  1. P

    Wealthfront Automated Investing vs VTSAX 10 year returns: 7.5% vs 11.9%

    @srm332 oh WOW i obviosuly meant to type DOESN'T
  2. P

    Wealthfront Automated Investing vs VTSAX 10 year returns: 7.5% vs 11.9%

    @thanful1 More risk does guarantee more returns (thats the risk part). risk level of 9 and 10 on these roboadvisors usually increases the amount of international exposure, which has under performed.
  3. P

    Moving to a new 401k Program

    @trang1966 Pick your US, International and bond allocation, then break up the funds as follows US: 80% FID 500 Index 10% Fid Mid Cap Index 10% Fid Small Cap index International: 100% Fid International Index (check to see if this has emerging markets) Bonds 100% to Fid US Bond Index...
  4. P

    Do the annualized yields provided for funds/etfs (e.g. TTM and 30-day SEC) account for the funds' expense ratio?

    @leejr You don’t reduce the NAV, the NAV constantly captures the expense ratio. NAV is calculated post the fund removing any assets to pay for expenses.