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  1. J

    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @cheeseburgers It also has a subscription cost and it's not sure there's any offset of this cost. Besides, the point is I don't really want to have to take care of it (maintenance).
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @myreveille Fair enough, and I can see the same happening with me. It's just a matter of convenience ) psychological barrier. Again I don't think there's any problem with deciding to buy a car, it was the right decision for us before, but it's just shit in terms of optimising finances and the...
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @myreveille Some of the posts in the thread give a good overview of various options. Basically, you don't need it in the city, and you can rent cars on apps for short trips, but it can be nice, especially if you do enough trips outside of the convenience of fast public transport lines. But it...
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @maidian Bit of an exaggeration I think. It's a beautiful city to drive in, and one shouldn't be driving too much in the city anyway. On the price, I agree, it's all made for leasing etc.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @rosethepoet I have started driving very late and didn't really grow up in a car culture. I don't think it's necessary at all, but I do think "when it's real nice, I like it". But it's an expensive toy in the end.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @faith1201 I mean that's not enough information to go on, but it sounds a bit exaggerated, especially for IT?.. Pretty much anyone who works here and does not have external burdens could afford one (doesn't mean they should, but that's a different story).
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @allandavid85 Thing is, I would love to see something where I pay a (low) monthly fee and can just use various cars. But we're some years off that. Also I agree on the freedom, but as I was telling another person the instant / keyless rental on some of the providers really makes it almost like...
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    Reality check on Car Leasing

    @mercy7able Why below 50k km? Does leasing more used ones somehow cost more? What would the costs have been worth zero upfront?
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @keith7731 Right next to the city border, but still very urban. Blue zone is not an issue, I think in the last few months I've only looked for a spot for more than one minute once. Obviously I wouldn't be talking the same way if I lived within the city. Although outlying areas like Höngg still...
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @keith7731 Garage and parking space is ridiculously overpriced anyhow (but the blue zone yearly ticket is thankfully OK). I would actually leave it at work, cause that's free.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @samuelbecerril I mean yeah, but now that you can have a car at any time, instant confirmation, keyless, - it's not quite the same as having your own, but getting closer for the weekends? The trouble for me is that to own one I'd really like something nicer.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @melinda2022 Yeah... I wish they had decently priced car subscriptions here. The ones out in the market are just ridiculous.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @melinda2022 Interesting. Why did you use Km/year as a measure? Were you calculating depreciation with 0.7chf/km or?..
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @jesselharrison My condolences. Hope you didn't get burned too badly on that one. Did you hate the commute that much or?..
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @onceawaretwiceempowered Yeah, that's one important point. Like I said in the other replies, we ended up going to cool places by car that we wouldn't have considered otherwise. The feeling of freedom is pretty important. And yeah I don't go skiing or hiking by public transport anyway. But in...
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @andrew1221 Yeah it's this kind of borderline case where I definitely fall into the under 200km category, but I may (should) use it more if / when personal life stabilises. Thanks for breaking it down per trip length though, I think it matches what I thought would be the case.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @resjudicata I have to say I generally agree, but it was a lot more useful than I thought it would be. We ended up helping people move, taking more holidays in corners where we wouldn't have gone otherwise, taking people around to day trips... And friends who do not have a car end up spending...
  18. J

    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @eklisiarh Would usually be 150 to 200 for me, that would be a lot more. As another poster here said, they really are rather good for under / around 100, you're right, some conditions now are better than before.
  19. J

    What's up with those ads for real estate investment from 10k CHF?

    @sqs1 Foxstone and others. Thought someone here might have experience. Yeah, they seem like a real company. And yeah, hence my question, how does it compare to REITs, if it's scummy or not, and whether it's like a legit option that should be considered.
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @chakarafox Friends live in Berlin, for example. They have something from BMW that allows them to get cars like scooters, drop in / drop off anywhere, no sign up fees or whatever (at least that was the case like 5 years ago). They were also very money conscious and said it was cheap enough...