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  1. E

    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @ayosyrene Ehhh no, that’s how it is in the states, not here in Switzerland. Plenty of people doing 60/40 fixed/libor when both rates are basically the same and the term is the same, they won’t lend past 10 years anyways and most of that loan is not amortizing anyways as it’s nearly impossible...
  2. E

    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @ayosyrene Huh? Financing split into two is extremely common in Switzerland as they offer libor / saron options.
  3. E

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @kimberlykay Why no mention of the fact that rental money is never again seen? When you sell the house at least you have worked on paying the principal down and that combined with the appreciation value means you end up in the positive long term where as in renting you are in the negative, and...
  4. E

    Budget for 70k-80k

    @regret_living Where do you live? How much is rent? 100k is including your passing income? I don’t really see how 100k is cutting it especially including Kita and driving a Benz