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  1. I

    What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

    @kellypmart 85% right now
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    Interactive Brokers gets rid of monthly fees & minimal account values

    @jacob_ Ah thanks. Got a bit confused as I thought the whole page was about individuals...
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    Short-term (3-6m) EUR investment - EUR alternative to US T-bills or what?

    @lovelygrace That's 35% of the 2.9% yield mate.
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    Short-term (3-6m) EUR investment - EUR alternative to US T-bills or what?

    @lovelygrace note that there are management fees for ETFs.
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    Interactive Brokers gets rid of monthly fees & minimal account values

    @jacob_ What is this 10k / 2k USD Broker Account Minimum?
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    Does it make sense to take advantage of future interest rate cuts with long-term bonds?

    @minhducyahoo You need to separate nominal from real interest rates and the opportunity cost of capital.
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    Bought VWCE for 900 EUR, commission 8 EUR, how?

    @texantenor Zero. International manual FOP Transfers are free of charge. Only costs money if you transfer between two domestic brokers using ACATS. Brokers hate this trick as it costs them a lot of time and bureaucracy.
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    Bought VWCE for 900 EUR, commission 8 EUR, how?

    @diondrejames Buy on Trade Republic using scheduled purchase -> Transfer shares to IBKR.
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @maridel Cool, so conservatively your NAV consists of: - 550k€ Apartment - 123k€ Cash - 25k€ Tech Stocks - 30k€ Crypto - 30k€ ETF Total NAV: 758k€ To consider risks, your current life situation consists of: - Wife - Two kids - You and your wife (?) are in mid 30s. - Want to buy house...
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @maridel What's the current market value / your equity of the apartment? (Just trying to get an idea of your finances)
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @maridel What is your mortgage size? Your strategy should depend on your Net Asset Value, not only your asset and income.
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    Taxing a Worker Owned GbR in Germany

    @redeemed121 I have not misunderstood your question. I understand it very well. That you do not understand what earnings are shows you will not be able to properly do accounting and tax returns. I suggest you urgently get a real tax advisor (real ones charge ~200-250€/h net) and have them sort...
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    Taxing a Worker Owned GbR in Germany

    @redeemed121 As a GbR, every member is personally liable with all their assets proportionally to what the GbR is liable. If you hide earnings or do not do proper accounting for tax purposes, you will eventually get caught by Finanzamt.